February update

The good news is that camp is only 4 months away! I wish we had a colder winter and a better ski season but with spring, comes a renewed excitement for camp. I am back in Philadelphia for 2 weeks before hitting the road again and thought it was a good time to update the BSC community.

Over the past few months I have been traveling all over the country visiting our new and existing families. I also had the chance to sit down with Scott (assistant director) when I was down in Florida and Stone (head counselor) in Maryland. Both are doing well and we had the opportunity to talk about camp and some great additions & changes we will be implementing this summer. We will have a complete update in our Spring Newsletter. Speaking of the newsletter, we have begun putting it together and could use your help. If you have anything that is newsworthy or think should be included, please email it to us at info@bridgtonsportscamp.com. Currently enrolled families, you will receive a separate newsletter that will help you prepare your child for camp. It will contain information on our policies and procedures, travel to/from camp, a packing list, and much more.

Our early enrollment ends this Monday, March 5. You can take advantage of this discount by enrolling online by Monday night. If you have any questions call the office at 866-283-5943.

I am back on the road beginning March 14, with the ACA Camp Conference in Atlantic City. This is a great way to connect with other directors to talk about camp while sharing ideas. After the conference I am driving up to camp for a few meetings. I’ll be making stops along the way in NY, CT, MA, NH, and ME for home visits. For new families this is the perfect opportunity to learn more about Bridgton and have all your questions answered. Please call the camp office if you’re a new family interested in learning more about BSC.

That’s all for now! I hope everyone has a great spring break and BSC families, look for the newsletter in your mailbox this April.


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