First Cookout Saturday of Second Session

It was a very very humid day not to mention hot! The campers drank lots of water and slathered on sunscreen!

In the morning we did majors after breakfast. The hockey majors played 3 v 3 games, and baseball majors had fun batting Wiffle balls. Soccer majors worked on passing and following their pass. The basketball majors worked on defensive positioning, and lacrosse had a meeting in the locker to show and explain different things.
In the afternoon, the different divisions split up and had 3 stations to go to. The stations were Arts and Crafts, waterfront activities, building the tallest tower using marshmallows and spaghetti, and a slip and slide. At the waterfront, they had a relay race where each camper had to spin around the bat 10 times and swim around a counselor and tag their teammate. The campers enjoyed the race. Everyone loved the slip and slide and racing each other even the counselors did it.

We had no Line-up today, so the Rookies went straight to dinner and Pros and Seniors had free time until dinner. For dinner we had our cookout, so we had burgers, hotdogs, chips, and watermelon.

For free time after dinner, the Rookies went and watched a movie at Brian’s house, and the Pros watched Oceans 8 in Humanities.

Even though today was unbearably hot, the campers made the most out of it by having fun at the waterfront and slip and slide.

Tomorrow we can sleep in until 10, and the campers can get up in the morning and have a 2 Dunkin Donuts if they want.

Until tomorrow

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