Sunday, July 23

Hello! I’m Brenda and I’m back for my second year at BSC. I’m super excited to share daily updates about our camp activities with you. I’ll be capturing all the fun moments with your kiddos through photos and some fun videos. Feel free to drop a comment or reach out to me anytime😁
This is how yesterday went!
We started with a delicious breakfast that energized everyone for the fun-filled day ahead.
After breakfast, the kiddos had a meeting with PJ to review the camp rules, ensuring everyone stay safe while having fun.
Next, the excitement peaked with the BSL Combine, where the campers showcased their athletic skills. They cheered each other on and enjoyed the spirited competition.
The swimming test followed, with the kids diving into the lake. After proving their swimming skills, they enjoyed some tasty snacks. In the afternoon, campers attended their major meetings to meet their new coaches.
The day ended with free play at the Wolves’ Den, where laughter and fun-filled the air. Campers played basketball, and soccer, and enjoyed quality time with friends. Now, we’re all set to start the week with a normal schedule, ready to dive into our sports majors.
So happy to be back home!
Love, Brenda

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